Cool Papa Bell Releases Long-Awaited CD

Live show to highlight offerings from Koi

For Immediate Release

Saturday, May 09, 1998


 Screaming Dogg Productions

Berkley -- In a triumphant, bold statement, the pop band Cool Papa Bell announces the release of its debut CD, Koi, as the most dramatic release since the Beatles' White Album, guaranteeing controversy for this foursome of revelrous, rebellious, merrymakers. Collectively referred to as Cool Papa Bell, touted as Michigan's greatest unknown band, the boys honor their commitment to their faithful posse of devoted fans by offering the groundbreaking release privately a full month before it is available to the general public. In a private "Release Party", at the Berkley Front on May 30, Cool Papa Bell promises to delight the throng with the soulful stylings that have become the hallmark -- in fact, the very trademark -- of the Cool Papa way.

"We look at this show, on May 30, at 9:30, as a way of giving back to our fans, who have supported us so fervently for so long," explains singer and guitarist Kevin. "Everybody there will have the chance to pick up the CD a month before anyone else. It's a little payback for the support they've given us over the years. And I don't think they'll be disappointed."

Restless fans needn't wait. On Saturday, May 30, 9:30 at the Berkley Front, on 12 Mile four blocks west of Coolidge, Cool Papa Bell will deliver the goods, along with a soulful presentation that's worthy of such a groundbreaking celebration. Be there, so you won't have to stand the wait for another month.

Cool Papa Bell's Koi is available on the Screaming Dogg label, starting July 1st.

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