A Cash Revelation

Cash leaned back in his chair and took a long potent drag off his chronic-stick. As he exhaled, watching the curls of smoke fold and intertwine toward the ceiling, his thoughts turned toward the issue that he knew he needed to address.

"After December," he began hesitantly, "I think Cool Papa Bell will have to find a new drummer."

"Cash-Money, say it isn't so!" barked T-Bone. "This can't be!" T-Bone knew that a Cool Papa Bell without the Cash Machine would most probably be a little less cool.

"What are we going to do?" lamented Paulie.

"The only thing we can do," T-Bone responded defiantly. "Let's book the New Way Bar in Ferndale, on the east side of Woodward, three blocks north of Nine Mile. Let's make it December 7th, and go on at 9:30 pm, opening for The Happy Accidents. Let's tell everyone we know, and let's even draw up a little map so people can find the place, and let's make up little pocket calendars, so people won't forget. We'll make it the best doggone show that we can -- we'll play a mystery cover song, and debut a new one. And let's try to get a handle on that nasty Rochester Road song, that we bungled so horribly at the party in November. And let's dedicate the whole darn thing to Cash!"

The stage was set. All that was left was the execution. Be there.

Clay L. Niemeyer
Staff Writer,
Screaming Dogg Productions