Cool Papa Bell Merchandise Order Form

Yes! I want that funky Cool Papa Bell stuff! Send me the following:



S & H


Logo T-Shirt (XL only)




CD - Koi




CD Demo - Plenitude and the Art of Dissonance     $4.00 $1.50 $5.50
Total Enclosed:

My name is:

My Address is:

I've enclosed my check for the amounts shown, made payable to Screaming Dogg Productions.

Mail to:

	Screaming Dogg Productions
	4002 Edgeland Ave.
	Royal Oak, MI 48073

Note: we regret that we cannot accept online orders at this time. You must fill out this form, print it off, and mail it to us, with your check. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

We also regret that some print drivers might not print the whole form correctly. Feel free to fill in any missing information with a pen, pencil, crayon (preferably Crayola midnight blue), or your Aunt Sylvia's eyeliner. Then stuff it in the mail, and you're good to go.

Orders will be filled and sent on their way via US Mail within two weeks.

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