Cool Papa Bell Returns to Stage After Three Month Layoff

27 August 1996

Ferndale -- The band Cool Papa Bell makes a triumphant return to the stage, following an unprecedented three month absence, leaving fans around the globe wondering as to the disposition of the "only Metro-Detroit band with a number." Laying all concerns aside, Cool Papa Bell returns to the stage on Saturday, September 21, 1996, at the New Way Bar in Ferndale MI, to delight the crowd with its mix of soul-soothing rock-and-roll that only the Cool Papa can deliver.

In a rare public interview, singer Kevin Maloney described the band's absence from the public eye. "We really needed the time to regroup, and try to regain a little bit of our sanity. Touring like we did in June, really takes a toll on the body. I try to stay in good shape, but there's no way you can prepare yourself for the kind of schedule that we were keeping. We were all waking up in the middle of the night, wondering where we were; wondering who we were. We hated to disappoint our fans, but we felt that it was important to make sure we were grounded in reality. As strange as it seems, though, we're ready to do it all over again, because we love to be out there; we love the shows; we love our fans."

Cool Papa Bell fans return the sentiment, as the rumors of the Septemeber 21st show sparked a frenzy reminiscent of the Live-Aid reunion of The Who. Long-time fan, Kate Francheska, noted her disappointment at the band's sabbatical. "I couldn't believe it. I was so close to signing on with those guys as a backup singer. Even though the pay is horrible, the hours are worse, and the benefits are non-existent, I would've done it just to be a part of the whole Cool Papa Bell scene. When they left the stage, I felt as though a whole part of my life was gone. I can't believe they're coming back -- I won't be able to sleep for the next month."

Yes, Kate, there is a Santa Claus. And there is a Cool Papa Bell. See for yourself on Saturday, September 21, 1996, at 9:30 pm at the New Way Bar in Ferndale (on the east side of Woodward, 3 blocks north of 9 mile).

Clay L. Niemeyer
Staff Writer,
Screaming Dogg Productions
(With tongue planted firmly in cheek)

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