Reviews, Publicity, and Crap Like That

(Or, A Treatise in Black and White)

Recently, the Jam Rag reviewed our release, Koi, in its December 1998 edition. Among other drivel, Jason Micheal Kierman describes Koi as "...serious stuff from... Cool Poppa (sic) Bell," and  says, "The music has a laid-back, trippy vibe...." Mr. Kerman also states, "look for me in the Cool Papa Bell audience..."

Though the rest of the review was pure crap, punctuated by miscellaneous non-sensical meanderings and musings about our cover model, we seem to be raising some eyebrows. We would have been happy with any specifics concerning our abilities related to songwriting, performance, or production, but Mr. Keirmann chose instead to babble aimlessly about his own physical condition.

Cool Papa Bell urges all media and interested parties to express their opinions regarding our music, but, at the same time, challenges this same population to lay off the speedballs and acid long enough to write coherent sentences. Or, to simplify it for simple minds, if you can't give people something to hang on to, shut the fuck up, and let the music speak for itself.

'Nuff said. On the flipside, Cool Papa Bell and Screaming Dogg Productions are proud to support the First Amendment rights of publications such as Jam Rag, and we are proud to sponsor their publication. Stay tuned for more in the ongoing saga...

The full reprint of Jam Rag's review, including all editorial blunders, typos, and brain-farts, click here (but it ain't for the faint of heart...)